Handbook Project – About the Project (test)

The general goal of this handbook is to bring together contemporary and comparative research in the interplay between emotion and culture, from across the fields of psychology, neuroscience, biology, anthropology, philosophy, and linguistics, forming a comprehensive and exhaustive handbook. The intended readership of this handbook will be inclusive, ranging from researchers and scholars in the academic community, through coaches and trainers in the professional community, to students in the tertiary market.

Here are the 43 working titles.

01 – Anthropological perspectives on culture and emotion
        Andrew Beatty (Brunel University London, UK)

02 – The biocultural history of emotions
        Rob Boddice (Tampere University, Finland)

03 – Philosophical approaches to emotion and cultural modulation
        Michael Deem (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

04 – Language illustrates the cultural evolution of emotion
        Kristen Lindquist (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Joshua Jackson (University of Chicago, USA)

05 – Evolutionary and cultural aspects of emotion-based fictional literature and films
        Keith Oatley, Si Jia Wu (University of Toronto, Canada)

06 – Emotion and the language-culture nexus
        Maia Ponsonnet (CNRS, Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage/Université Lyon 2, France)

07 – Natural and cultural selection: Fundamentals and implications
        Alan Fridlund (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Carlos Crivelli (De Montfort University, UK)
Blythe Williams (Duke University, USA)

08 – The interplay of evolution and culture in emotion: A basic emotion perspective
        Dacher Keltner (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

09 – Culture in the psychological construction of emotion
        James Russell (Boston College, USA)

10 – Appraisal processes in emotion experiences: The role of language and culture
        Klaus Scherer (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Phoebe Ellsworth (University of Michigan, USA)
Susanna Schmidt (University of Torino, Italy)

11 – Emotions, expressions, and culture: An emic approach
        Carlos Crivelli (De Montfort University, UK)
Sergio Jarillo (The University of Melbourne, Australia)

12 – Nonverbal behaviors, emotion, and culture
        Jose-Miguel Fernandez-Dols (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)

13 – The cultural construction of facial expression
        Maria Gendron (Yale University, USA)

14 – LeDoux, J. E. (2020). Thoughtful feelings. Current Biology, 30(11), R619-R623.
        Joseph LeDoux (New York University, USA)

15 – Emotion in voice and language across cultures: A modern perspective
        Bjoern Schuller (Imperial College London, UK)

16 – Emotional development in different cultural contexts
        Linda Camras (DePaul University, USA)
Eric Walle (University of California, Merced, USA)

17 – Emotion and emotion processing across age and culture
        Helene Fung (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

18 – The development of children’s understanding of emotions: Variation and stability across cultures
        Paul Harris, Liao Cheng (Harvard University, USA)

19 – Developing emotional understanding in cultural context
        Qi Wang, Yang Yang (Cornell University, USA)

20 – Aging and emotion-cognition interaction through the lens of culture
        Lixia Yang, Kesaan Kandasamy, Kathryn Bolton (Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada)

21 – Emotional intelligence through a cultural lens
        Marc Brackett, Shengjie Lin, Zorana Pringle (Yale University, USA)

22 – Social functions of emotion: A cultural perspective
        Agneta Fischer (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Antony Manstead (Cardiff University, UK)

23 – Culture and emotional memory: Existing evidence and future directions
        Elizabeth Kensinger, Marie Coura Diagne (Boston College, USA)

24 – Culture and intergroup emotions
        Angela Maitner (American University of Sharjah, UAE)
Diane Mackie (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Eliot Smith (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)

25 – Social and emotion norms: Features and cultural variations
        Cristina Salvador, Kirby Lam, Mercedes Muñoz (Duke University, USA)

26 – Gendering emotion across cultures and throughout history
        Stephanie Shields (Penn State University, USA)

27 – Emotional and cultural processes in human-nature relationships and environmental problems
        Kevin Tam (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
William Chan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

28 – Cultural differences in ideal affect and their consequences for daily life
        Jeanne Tsai (Stanford University, USA)

29 – Making risky decisions: The role of emotion and culture
        Ellick Wong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)

30 – Emotion mapped across the globe: Similarities and differences
        Michelle Yik (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)

31 – Advances in culture and subjective well-being
        June Kim (The College of New Jersey, USA)

32 – The cultural shaping of emotional disorders: Somatization vs. psychologization
        Andrew Ryder (Concordia University, Canada)

33 – Culture and emotion regulation
        Maya Tamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

34 – Cultural influences on emotion regulation and health
        William Tsai (New York University, USA)

35 – Amae, awe and saudade: Culturally specific emotions from distinct parts of the world
        Igor de Almeida (Kyoto University, Japan)

36 – Passionate love around the world
        Cyrille Feybesse (University of Rennes 1, France)

37 – Kama muta and culture
        Alan Fiske (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

38 – Considering the role of culture in anger
        Eddie Harmon-Jones (University of New South Wales, Australia)

39 – Face, shame and emotion regulations in Chinese societies
        Frederick T. L. Leong (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China)

40 – On the link between culturally specific emotions and behavioral tendencies
        Kunalan Manokara (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

41 – Culture and well-being: Five empirical approaches
        Madison Montemayor-Domingues, James Chinn, Stephen Cadieux, Sonjia Lyubomirsky
(University of California, Riverside, USA)

42 – Shame and culture
        Gerrod Parrott (Georgetown University, USA)

43 – An epilogue
        Batja Mesquita (KU Leuven, Belgium)