Biking Project – About the project


“To make people happier, healthier, smarter … and the city greener, cleaner …”

In Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint 2.0, the government proudly announced that the number 1 mission is “To make people happier, healthier, smarter … and the city greener, cleaner …”, which is the focus of our project in which we seek to identify the potential benefits to well-being through healthy biking in Hong Kong. Implicit to our assumption is that biking will make people happy. But is that so? Does biking enhance happiness and well-being of bikers? While we have prescriptions to curb a headache, do we have any prescriptions for frustrating commutes/travels? Is biking an antidote? In this project, we test the relationship between biking and happiness in a group of repeated users of shared bikes in Tseung Kwan O, the biggest biking district in Hong Kong. Relatedly, using variables such as minimum length/distance of biking, company of others, and weather, we seek to identify the “optimal” prescriptions for being a happy biker. If successful, we can extend the work to other districts in Hong Kong. Using the loT and GPS technology, we can generate a Happy Biking Index for each district bringing Hong Kong one step closer to a “greener, cleaner” place to live (e.g., Copenhagen and Amsterdam).